We appreciate all that you do. We need you now more than ever to counter the misinformation that is sure to come from the Trump administration.

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I hope that public health professionals like yourself do not lose hope because there are legions of the public who, like me, will cling to the truths that you disseminate to keep us aware of what’s real…and, ultimately, that will keep us as safe and healthy as possible. Thank you for continuing the work…and, now, for continuing the fight.

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Katelyn, I am a physician who turns to you for accurate, readable, reliable information. I recommend you to family, friends, colleagues and patients. You were a source of support to me on the frontlines of Covid. I hope you will take this post as a source of support to you and those you work with. I value what you offer more than ever.

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We need you now more than ever! We cannot take this as a defeat, but an opportunity to educate from the ground up with real data. Thank you for what you do and please keep it up!

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Thank you for articulating your heartache, and for demonstrating the importance of self care in the wake of this challenge. We're so grateful that you're not going anywhere. We, in this community you've built and are building, are likewise here for you.

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Thank you for all the time you spend writing articles that disseminate accurate information! We will need this and you even more after Jan 2025. I’m very grateful for your education and

dedication to the truth, not some dangerous, arrogant man who doesn’t know anything.

Thank you isn’t enough to convey my gratitude.

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Thank you for all you do. It helps with the heartbreak.

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For a scientist you seem to be missing something important: skepticism of your own position. Those who push the envelope of our understanding of the world are confident of very few things. One is the fact that their contributions to their field will always be refined or even overturned. It's a matter of time.

That is why our understanding moves forward and why scientific opinion is, or at least was, granted the most credibility. The biggest critics of "the science" are the scientists themselves.

In the two years that I have been following your commentary here I have never seen you disagree with the CDC and their positions. It is also quite clear that you cite studies that support their position without ever acknowledging that there are others that tell a different story.

There is a substantial amount of uncertainty with regard to everything in the medical sciences. We as doctors make only one promise, that we will not intentionally do harm. Think about that. We cannot even promise that we won't do harm because our understanding is always changing.

In the spring of 2022, six months after the Biden administration pushed for Covid vac mandates even though we knew very well that the shots did not stop transmission many scientists and doctors were trying to communicate the fact that the mandates were not only unethical but destructive.

I am a doctor and I have vaccinated my children in compliance with the CDC's immunization schedule. The Covid shots were different. The published trial results and memoranda between Pfizer and the FDA clearly show evidence of fraud. You have to look a lot harder than "the results" section.

When I engage with people about controversial topics, I take special interest in people who have changed their mind about the topic. They were certain that they were right but then they saw something that changed everything for them.

Here is a summary of why I changed my mind about the safety of the Covid shots and the credibility of the news sources that touted their miraculous benefit. Rather than stoking anger and fear about these remarkable turn of events, perhaps its time to actually listen to what RFK Jr. and the scientists and doctors who support him are saying.

In this article I demonstrate how both the "antivax" and medical orthodoxy use data to mislead their audiences. Then I show you how the original Pfizer trial was rigged to hide safety concerns and how the FDA and the CDC turned a blind eye to them.


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Oh, look, you're a former science editor from Children's Health Defense, RFK, Jrs' organization.

Full disclosure is a good thing, you know.

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I have been "disclosing" on this newsletter for over a year. Strangely Dr. Jetelina chooses never to address my questions even though she has the chance to dismantle someone who worked for Childrens Health Defense. Yet she continues to claim that RFK Jr. continues to irresponsibly spread misinformation.

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She 'claims' it because it's true. He's mentally unbalanced and responsible for the deaths of people that can be directly traced back to his influence. YOU are also at minimum pitching vaccine doubt/denialsim, woo idiocy, and I see you are an AGW denialist and 9/11 truther for good measure, because of course you are.

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No it isn't true. Katelyn is simply parroting the same news sources her followers here genuflect to. She hasn't read any of his books which are teeming with citations. She hasn't listened to him explain his position. Neither has she examined the evidence behind his positions. She makes that abundantly clear in her article.

I would be very suspect of anyone who uses strawman arguments, or at the very least not taken the time to do an ounce of research before declaring the "truth" about someone she knows absolutely nothing about except what the propagandists are saying.

You actually don't have much to worry about. Our government is largely controlled by the Pharma complex. It would be quite a surprise if he gets confirmed by the senate. We, the public, will probably go on injecting our children with vaccines that have not met basic standards of safety testing. But it won't go on forever. Nobody can hide a lie this big for so long.

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There needs to be a laugh response at anyone who takes Brainworm seriously.

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How do you know Kennedy is wrong if you haven't read his books on the matter? You cannot simply be taking a subset of people's word, can you?

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It’s not a bad thing. He has the credentials!!!

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The alleged proof you use such as your ARR and NNV are techniques that work for diseases that are not passed to others by aerosols. Those techniques ignore all basic science about how airborne infections are spread, how effectiveness and efficacy are calculated. But let's assume you have found legitimate statistical concerns in studies of 5 years ago. Let's assume somehow you are smarter than the hundreds of trained medical researchers across the globe. Regardless of whether your concerns about vaccine trials 5 years ago may or may not have been flawed (and I'm certainly willing to be critical of industry), we now have overwhelming numbers of real life studies showing that being unvaccinated increases one's risk of hospitalization and death from SARS-CoV2 in those at higher risk, which is the focus of public health at this point in the Covid-19 story. But that's not the main issue I take. It's your use of the typical misleading "find one thing that is peripherally related to defend your argument." You have harped on the Covid-19 vaccine and have ignored the topic, which is the appointing of a person who has demonstrably flouted science and promoted misinformation to lead the nation's public health. The ONLY explanation is that unlike your claim to be interested in looking at all sides, you are simply arguing in support of RFK Jr. - a person with ZERO public health or medical science training -- to be in charge of public health. Which means, pari passu, that you MUST support his agenda. You assiduously do not come out and state whether or not you also would not have children vaccinated against measles, mumps, rubella, polio, hepatitis, meningitis, and so on. As an internist and epidemiologist I would encourage others on this substack to consider your comments (regardless of whether there were flaws in the studies and systematics and politics 5 years ago) not at all persuasive in arguing for the appointing of Mr. Kennedy.

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I will refrain from responding to your criticism of Kennedy. I have to assume that you have not read either of his books on the matter. Each has been rigorously reviewed and edited by doctors and scientists who have also authored dozens of peer-reviewed of their own. Each book has thousands of citations from peer-reviewed literature and statements directly from the CDC and NIH. Had you read these tomes I doubt very much that you would choose this tone.

Using ARR to determine NNT (or NNV in this case) is the only way to do any kind of risk/beneifit analysis for a preventive measure. Whether it be for a vaccine to prevent infection from a respiratory pathogen (aerosolized or otherwise) or an anticoagulant to prevent a CVA in a patient with AFIB, that is the only way to do it using an RCT that provides no more than relative risk for an outcome or adverse event in two groups.

How else can you explain to a patient why it is or isn't in their favor to get the vaccine without knowing how many people have to be vaccinated to prevent an outcome? As an internist yourself, how did you advise your patients about the vaccine? What numbers did you cite when they asked you what the risks were? How did you help them understand what the risks of severe Covid were with and without the vaccine? Did you cite the same stats for an elderly person with three comorbidities as you did for an 18 yo that had to get vaccinated to go to college?

The "overwhelming" numbers of real life studies are all suspect because those studies are based on a flawed method of determining whether the mortality or morbidity was actually due to Covid. The CDC makes no distinction of a death FROM Covid or one WITH Covid.

Vaccine effectiveness is a very gross estimation which cannot be applied to individuals because there are so many confounders among vaccinated and unvaccinated populations. But Pfizer made a big concession: they would use a saline placebo as control and they would run their trial for a full two years so that we would be able to know if there were safety problems. Then they shockingly vaccinated all the control group citing their absurdly high efficacy in preventing symptomatic infections which turned out to be short-lived if there was one at all.

Their calculated efficacy was dubious to begin with because they only tested one out of 20 people who suffered Covid symptoms. How could they possibly know what how good their product was if they only tested 170 of 3,400 participants who expressed Covid symptoms? And now the public now has no idea what the long term sequelae are of the primary series. The FDA and the CDC did not protest.

If that weren't enough, the CDC is using a flawed method to calculate vaccine effectiveness. They exclude outcomes in the recently vaccinated but include them in the pool of the vaccinated population. This automatically creates artificial effectiveness by decreasing the true incidence of outcomes in the vaccinated. They hinted at their methodology on their website. I asked them repeatedly for clarification of their methodology. They never responded. Then they removed any mention of this from their website.

It turns out that this sleight of hand would make a placebo look as effective as the primary series, more or less. We have ample evidence that these shots offered almost no benefit whatsoever.

During the entire year of 2021, the CDC never published infection rates by vaccination status. The Office of National Statistics in the UK did. By September of 2021, in their pool of 38 million, something startling emerged. The Covid shots had negative efficacy. The risk of symptomatic infection was greater if you were vaccinated. By March of 2022, the risk was anywhere between 3 to 5 times higher if vaccinated. Then they stopped reporting that metric.

We all can understand that a vaccine's effect can wane over time, especially with new variants. But why would there be NEGATIVE efficacy? It points to something very, very bad.

You state: "You assiduously do not come out and state whether or not you also would not have children vaccinated against measles, mumps, rubella, polio, hepatitis, meningitis, and so on."

First, I don't think you understand what the word assiduous means. It means doing something with perseverance and care. It doesn't apply to NOT doing something.

Second, I am not here to offer medical advice. I am only offering an analysis of the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA trials for adults that runs contrary to the establishment position and have backed it up with citations directly from the NEJM paper on the matter.

Finally, you don't have to be an internist or epidemiologist like yourself to have an opinion or to understand basic statistics. It's actually quite amusing to me that you "encourage others on this substack to consider [my] comments not at all persuasive" regardless of whether were flaws in the studies 5 (sic) years ago".

Not persuasive? Really? Even if there were flaws in the studies that launched a nationwide vaccine campaign eventually leading to mandates that clearly impune the investigators as being unblinded you don't think it is persuasive?

What then would be? The fact that more people died of all causes in the treatment arm than the control group? Can you provide a single example of a medical therapy where a double blind placebo control trial demonstrates that more people died if treated gets authorized for use? You don't that should give reason to pause?

How about the fact that the CDC ignores its own signal capturing system, VAERS that now has hundreds of thousands of reports of Serious Adverse Events, none of which have been investigated? Or the fact that Pfizer's own post marketing analysis showed that over 1,200 deaths were reported to them passively after just 11 weeks? Or the fact that all cause mortality has been up in nearly every age group from pre-pandemic levels starting in 2021?

I am curious to know what it would take, hypothetically, for you to acknowledge that we made a mistake. My guess is that you never will until the CDC says so. You aren't being objective or scientific, Doctor. You are being dogmatic.

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Bravo !!

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Ah, look. Someone to block. Thanks for coming out of the shadows with your disinformation. Your ridiculous comment offers us great practice for what we need to do with the flood of crap we're going to see from the powers that (for now) be.

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Oh really? What do you need to do? Disparage and insult? How is that working for you?

Has it never crossed your mind that people like Kennedy and the doctors and scientists who recognize the validity of his opinion like Jay Bhattacharya, Martin Kuldorf, Meryl Nass, Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, Pierre Kory, Harvey Risch, etc. etc. may actually be more correct than Katelyn? How can you be so sure that you have it right? What is really behind your undying faith in the establishment position?

My question to you is this: if the misinformation spreaders were right, how would you ever know it?

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Just for the record you are ,I am sure, aware of the impact of your organizations disinformation efforts in Samoa where dozens of children actually died because of your efforts? No doubt you also have a well fabricated response like ... no look over there it was low Vitamin A, really? How can you sleep at night? How can you look at your own children and not cry? You are also aware of the profitability of the organization and the self interest that it serves? Right? So either argue or just pretend no one raised any of these issues. You have no credibility to start with.

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People in Samoa died because I am exposing the fraud in the Pfizer trial? Am I aware of the profitability of Childrens Health Defense, a NON-PROFIT organization that relies on donations alone? Were you aware that unlike CHD, Pfizer and Moderna made some money recently and their CEOs and Boards of Directors first concern is profits for their shareholders?

You are responding like a person who has been deeply traumatized. I am very sorry. I am only trying to offer some solace to those who are very scared about the possible changing of the guard over the HHS. It may not be as terrible as you envision. But you will have to consider the possibility that you have been duped. It's a difficult proposition. I know because I had to too.

And you are right. It is difficult to sleep at night. It's hard to accept that it took me so long to change my mind. I thought that as a doctor and an engineer I had a good grasp of these issues. I was wrong. Despite how you characterize me, my involvement in this has not made me overconfident, it has humbled me.

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Oh... and do not forget to hawk your own book ... WOKE ! I am sure an anesthesiologist like yourself is great at putting people to sleep. I am sure your expertise from your clinical practice qualifies you as an expert in immunology and the science of vaccines Perhaps your lack of training in public health as well would give you some ... modesty... about asserting your self interested and self promoting views and asking readers of this thread to believe you rather than an actual expert in public health and epidemiology? Rest well brave warrior and know that a person of character like out Local Epidemiologist would not stoop to getting into a food fight with you .... no surprise at all.

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I am not asking anyone to believe or trust me. I am expressing an opinion about a vaccine trial that changed the terrain of the science of vaccinology, perhaps forever. That's what a comment section is, no?

Some will castigate me for not agreeing with the experts of their choice like you do. Others will ignore it. Others may be willing to consider reading the findings of the Pfizer study a little more closely, you know, just in case I have a point, in the interest of learning more. There was a time where people would consider other opinions around medical topics.

At this moment, a person whom you consider the biggest antiscience misinformation spreader is poised to control all of our nation's health agencies. At what point will it make sense to actually listen to what he has to say?

I didn't FORGET to "hawk" my own book. I didn't mention it because it is not salient to this topic. Fascinating how you are willing to "do your own research" about me but never ask any follow up questions around a study published by Pfizer, a company that has paid billions of dollars in criminal fines for knowingly exposing people to harm.

I also didn't mention my training in applied mathematics, my experience working in the defense industry with secret clearances or my engineering education from M.I.T. None of that is relevant. I am only asking people here to consider the fact that we may have reason to be hopeful and not fearful. It requires embracing curiosity and uncertainty. That is actually what my book is about.

Interestingly, if you knew something about my area of expertise, anesthesiology, you would know that we make our living not from "putting people to sleep" but from waking people up.

I suggest asking yourself how you are so sure that the experts that you trust are right and the experts that agree with me are wrong. Once you understand how your own mind works you may wake from your slumber.

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I also just subscribed. You're not alone. I'm here for the science and your perspective on the facts. Thank you for carrying on and yes, please take care of yourself.

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Please know that we value your contributions more than you can ever know

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We are all so badly demoralized and exhausted. Thank you so much for all you've done, and I hope that when you're ready you'll be able to keep offering information that we can trust. It will be our collective responsibility then to share it further, to try to counteract the coming tsunami of destructive untruth.

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Thank you for sharing. I and so many other followers are so very thankful for you and the trusted guidance you provide.

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You are not alone.


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Thank you so much for staying with this work. We're here supporting you, appreciating you, and deeply grateful for you. Sending love!

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One of my first thoughts when I heard this was thank God for people like YLE because this is where I will get my health info once again. As a health care provider who followed you for facts when Trump silenced Dr. Fauci during his first horrible stint in the White House, you helped me so much. You kept us informed when we were in the trenches of Covid. Know that what you do is appreciated by all of us in healthcare. Thank you.

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Governor Jared Polis of Colorado (D) is excited about RFK Jr's appointment. Read why on Twitter/X: https://x.com/jaredpolis/status/1857173250586911189

I’m excited by the news that the President-Elect will appoint @RobertKennedyJr to @HHSGov. He helped us defeat vaccine mandates in Colorado in 2019 and will help make America healthy again by shaking up HHS and FDA. I hope he leans into personal choice on vaccines rather than bans (which I think are terrible, just like mandates) but what I’m most optimistic about is taking on big pharma and the corporate ag oligopoly to improve our health. Before you mock him or disagree, I want to share with you some quotes that if he follows through show why I’m excited:

“Level the playing field for Americans internationally on drug costs…cap drug prices so that companies can’t charge Americans substantially more than Europeans pay." YES! Colorado currently has an application just SITTING at FDA for us to import low-cost prescription drugs from Canada and we just need their approval.

"In some categories, there are entire departments, like the nutrition department at the FDA that are – that have to go, that are not doing their job, they're not protecting our kids," YES! The entire nutrition regime is dominated by big corporate ag rather than human health and they do more harm than good

“We’ve got to get off of pesticide-intensive agriculture.” YES! We have tried unsuccessfully to better protect people and pollinators from harmful pesticides here in Colorado and we need all the help we can get to take on big chemical companies and improve human health and the environment! For our pollinators and our people!

He will face strong special interest opposition on these, but I look forward to partnering with him to truly make America healthy again and I hope that we can finally make progress on these important issues.

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Thank you for your intelligent post!

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It’s sad to see people in Public Health give up or (worse) vow to actively oppose the new administration before they even get started.

Wouldn’t it be better to focus on common goals?

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Funny how trying to import from Canada faces such hurdles, but they import them from China in mass.

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