W.H.O.’s rationale for maintaining masking: while immunization highly effective at preventing severe illness & death, degree to which vaccines prevent mild or asymptomatic infections is unknown. (Officials at the C.D.C. disagree, saying the risk is minimal.)

Masks Again? Delta Variant’s Spread Prompts Reconsideration of Precautions.


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I'm concerned about Long COVID from a post-vaccinated infection (even mild or asymptomatic). Would appreciate a post or update on what we know based on data now and in 30 & 90 days.

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I went to the grocery store today in my 30% vaxxed county and it was utterly mobbed and mine was the only mask in sight. I'm rocking n95s now with these crowds. My kids start their vaccination process next week and I don't want anything interfering so I'll have my mask on tight until then. We did recently go on a road trip and in indoor situations all wore n95s and came home feeling fine so far. I think those who may need to avoid COVID should lean harder in the direction of using masks for personal protection instead of primarily as other protection.

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