The correct approach to this is to initiate ring vaccination protocols and contact tracing for anyone/everyone involved and not to worry about what to call it or which group to blame. The gay community is already aware of the issues and public health outreach to them is already in full swing. That the spread is currently primarily transm…
The correct approach to this is to initiate ring vaccination protocols and contact tracing for anyone/everyone involved and not to worry about what to call it or which group to blame. The gay community is already aware of the issues and public health outreach to them is already in full swing. That the spread is currently primarily transmitted by sexual activity won't persist because it's contact with lesions that's the primary cause.
The correct approach to this is to initiate ring vaccination protocols and contact tracing for anyone/everyone involved and not to worry about what to call it or which group to blame. The gay community is already aware of the issues and public health outreach to them is already in full swing. That the spread is currently primarily transmitted by sexual activity won't persist because it's contact with lesions that's the primary cause.