Katelyn, I can't begin to thank you enough for your continued quest to keep the public educated. As a physician, I so appreciate your information and perspective. Scary times!

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Katelyn, in the face of the intentional tidal wave of threats to normal scientific and public health data and communications, your posts and voice help to provide clarity.

You and others at Substack are becoming increasingly important as reliable sources. Thank you for your ongoing communications.

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Thank you for this! So well written and clear. Even though these are dire and far from normal times, reading this actually calmed me down a bit. So grateful for your and others crucial vigilance.

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Ruth, exactly! Katelyn’s writing has wonderful clarity. Even though the content is alarming, her precision of the chaos being created has brought me hope. An oxymoron? Thank you Ruth and Katelyn!

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Feb 4Edited

Caitlin Rivers has been forced to manually update the influenza information and we are in a second spike that is quite concerning--data is critical to public health. There are so many concerning actions happening in this administration. Thank you for your updates.


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Thank you, I just signed up for her flu season newsletter.

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*Here's something we all can do:*

If you're so inclined, download an app called 5 Calls.

Use it to contact your reps in Congress EVERY DAY and leave them messages about the topics that concern you. The app has their numbers (of course, you can look them up on your own, but this is easier) and provides a script each day that gathers the issues of the moment. Whether your concern du jour is Musk, RFK, health data, etc... you can leave a short message with what you'd like your reps to do.

If your reps are Democrats, let them know you support them and what they are doing to fight back. This is important. They need to know that their constituents are behind them, especially if they are in a position to take bold action. If your reps are Republicans, urge them to vote against RFK, or stand up to Musk, or whatever it is that day. Because the one thing they don't want to lose is your vote; if they think their voters disagree with what the administration is doing and need their help, perhaps they will begin to push back.

It's super easy. 10 minutes of your day, tops. And SO worth it.

To me, this is scarier than tariffs, trade wars, even financial meddling and data insecurity at the federal level. All of that has a paper trail. But our health - some things can't be turned around once they're ruined. I've been watching the RFK hearings (terrifying) and will be tuning in for the vote today.

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Adding: My understanding is that calls are better than emails or letters.

At the end of the day, the staff logs every call that comes in and groups them by topic. That's how the members of Congress know what's most important to their constituents at any given time. Emails often don't get read.

If you have 10 minutes to make a couple of calls, please do. And do it daily. My calls today will be about the RFK vote.

Don't worry if you're not a phone person or you don't know what to say. The app has easy scripts for various scenarios (which of course you can adlib if you have to). But please, please call.

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I and many of my friends have experienced suspicious disruptions in the voice mails of elected officials, e.g. Representatives and Senators. There is distortion to the point of near inaudibility in the outgoing message, and I"m not sure our voice mail messages are being properly recorded. This seems a little too coincidental, but maybe it's just caused by such a high volume of calls that their systems are overloaded?

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Yes, the app acknowledged this. Not coincidental, nor suspicious. You’re exactly right that it’s struggling to keep up with the large volume of calls. They are working on quality issues, so stick with it!

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My wife found the same problem and she dialed directly, no app. Just FYI.

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I found that to be the case, too. My two Senators' voice mails were garbled and inaudible. I also think this was an unlikely coincidence.

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Same in Ohio with the senators' voicemails.

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What would happen if health agency staff refused to comply with executive orders, and ust went rogue -- sending out communications, possibly publishing data separately from the official sites, if necessary? I believe some of that has already happened to some extent.

Why is the CDC, NIH, FDA, etc. complying with orders that undermine public health?

Dictatorships can only take hold if there is compliance.

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Georgia, Texas, and Kansas -- states that went bit for Chump. Gee, what a surprise.

Thanks, as always, for your newsletter, Katelyn. It's a beacon of much-needed light in these dark MAGA times.

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We know the American Public Health Association has taken an assertive, public position on these matters. Where is the American Medical Association, the American Academy of ZPediastrics, etc? Why are they not speaking out?

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Seeing "pregnant person" changed to "pregnant woman" is a bigger punch to the gut than I thought it would be. I can't imagine how younger trans and gender nonconforming people who haven't lived through less tolerant times before must be taking it.

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I'm sorry, but I must disagree.

Women get pregnant; men don't.

We women are being reduced to our body parts with the grotesque language of terms such as "people with uteruses," "people with vaginas," "pregnant people," etc.

I've already stated many times how much I loathe and despise Trump and his administration. But this changing of language to suit an ideology -- a deluded and faux-left ideology -- is positively Orwellian.

(Yes, I know, I know, I'm a "TERF," "bigot," "transphobe," blah blah blah. I've been called all that and more. I've put my ass on the line for social justice and civil liberties all my life, and I won't stand by while women are erased and told to shut up and take a back seat to MEN who are so psychologically disturbed that they think they're women.)

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Not to put too fine a point on it, but this probably the least evil thing that was done.

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Thank you for your efforts to preserve social justice and civil liberties.

The people you are calling "disturbed men" have a constellation of common symptoms that greatly increase their chances of feeling at odds with how they were assigned and socialized, including genetic changes in connective tissue, anatomic differences in sexually dimorphic brain structures, certain autoimmune conditions, inherited variance in their biological response to sex hormones, abnormally high IQ, autism, and dysautonomia (for trans women) or adrenal hyperplasia (for trans men). It's called the "trans nonad" or Meyer-Powers syndrome. If you're interested in learning more, Dr. Will Powers has been doing excellent work with his patient population of thousands of transgender people: https://www.reddit.com/r/DrWillPowers/comments/wybnef/the_nonad_of_trans_i_continue_to_see_more/

You clearly don't like being called a bigot and a transphobe. You can easily avoid it by not spreading misinformation about what transgender people really are, or talking about them like you hate them.

It's more grotesque to me to be described as a woman first and a person second than to have my anatomical capacity for pregnancy acknowledged in a neutral way. It's not that I'm not content to be perceived as a woman, it's because I know that to the people making this change, "woman" means "subhuman", "unperson", "animal".

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I have not spread misinformation or "talked about them like I hate them." That's a straw man argument.

I am aware of the research you reference. A tiny proportion of the population is affected by these conditions, as you surely know. Other men are affected by autogynephilia. They get turned on by dressing as women. More power to them. As I've said, I don't care. If you're an adult you should be able to do whatever you want with your body. That doesn't make you a woman. Eddie Izzard isn't a woman, no matter how much makeup he puts on and how many dresses he wears. And he shouldn't be allowed in women's locker rooms.

I believe that people who struggle with mental health should get professional help, not mutilate their bodies (unless they're adults -- in which case, none of my business). Anorexics are not indulged in their delusions and told that because they "feel" fat therefore they are. No, they're helped. But instead of helping these children -- who are profoundly affected by social contagion, which is obvious -- society is telling them to experiment with their bodies and induce profound, life-altering changes. It's indefensible. It's criminal.

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Lisa, if you can't take feedback then don't engage. This is absolutely hateful. I am weeping for the sheer loathing that drips off of every word you write about transgender women (guess trans men don't rate your contempt, because you ignore them). They are not fetishists, nor are they deluded, nor is their health care "mutilation". The only mutilation occurring here is the destruction of your natural compassion for your fellow human being.

You're right, it's none of your business. So stay out of it and keep your misinformation to yourself.

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You can erect as many straw man arguments as you like and make as many false claims about what I'm saying as you like. I'll engage with whom I want, when I want, just as you do. That's the point of free speech.

You are apparently unaware that men who pretend to be women are raping women in prisons, that men who have a history of sex offenses are claiming to be women so they can invade women's locker rooms, rape crisis centers, and domestic violence shelters, that men who pretend to be women are out-competing actual women in sports. So much for Title IX.

Substack is replete with solid, scientific information and facts about what men are doing in women's spaces. I'm sorry you're unaware of this, but that's not my fault. You're also apparently unaware that thousands of gay men and lesbians are furious at this movement — they realize that if they were growing up today, they’d be bombarded with this ideology, constantly told that they have to “transition”, rather than just grow up to be same-sex attracted.

I'm sorry you think it's ok to tell children they should hate their bodies and encourage them to engage in life-altering chemical and surgical interventions. That's the opposite of compassion. It's cruel.

And yeah, it IS my business when men invade women's single-sex spaces.





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Lisa is correct in everything she writes. Nothing about what Lisa has written is in the least hateful. Just accurate and clearly stated. I suggest you might want to do a little more research. As starting points, I recommend the Cass Report and Hannah Barnes’s book Time to Think. From there, I suggest reading the information at the Women’s Sports Policy Working Group.

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As a mother and grandmother, I originally didn’t see anything wrong with “pregnant person.” Women are people, are they not? I think of myself being a person before I think of being a woman or biological female.

“Mother-to-be” was the term used to avoid saying the word “pregnant” in my 1950s formative years. Also “expecting” instead of pregnant. In my grandmother’s day, it was “in the family way.” (I suppose it was to keep people’s minds off the “facts of life” and that sexual intercourse was responsible for pregnancy.) Language changed, but it was gradually.

Should we use now use “gestating person” instead of mother? Or “mitochondrial DNA donor,” to be perfectly clear.

Elizabeth, what bothers me is that Trump’s people have used their power to serve their desire to denigrate “others.” By calling migrants “illegals,” et cetera. Orwell warned about the takeover of language.

As I imagine it, non-binary and trans people are feeling more of a gut punch from seeing Trump’s people having the power to target them, than they feel from being referred to by terms they object to.

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Thank you for sharing about the evolution of language over time as you've witnessed it. I'm "only" 41, so I don't think about those older terms you referenced.

I wish you hadn't followed it by telling me how I should feel about different aspects of how I'm being targeted by the current administration for being nonbinary. Sometimes when an awful experience is so big that you can't get your arms around it, it's the little indignities that are granular enough for the mind to grasp them.

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Elizabeth, I am sorry if I seemed to be telling you how to feel. I did not mean to do that. I should not have presumed.

Your point about little indignities that bring clarity makes sense to me. (If I am understanding correctly.)

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Your account shares the value of science and the importance of strategic planning for actions that are reasonable and sound. Do not ever be silent! Speak truth. You do so with respect that engenders trust.

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Thanks for this update, it is such a tenuous time. I do want to note a couple things, I'm not sure what your definition of "big" is but the Ebola/Sudan virus outbreak is 1 case right now (https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/2025-DON555). Still reportable and still notable, but not sure it's big. Second, there is 1 case of measles in Georgia reported on January 28, 2025. Six cases were reported in 2024 (no mention of them being linked).

If anything this further confirms how much we need the CDC to compile this information so we can be as accurate as possible in reporting it. Thanks for all you do!

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Thanks so much for calling those out. There’s a lot of fires to pay attention to. For Uganda, I meant big implications but that wasn’t clear. And there are three cases now (confirmed yesterday). Measles was just a mistake. Edited!

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Thank you for this explication of what's at stake. As a sociolinguist who's been analyzing teaching and writing about communication between health experts and the public for decades, we have to continue to get the message out that the specific language of the communication under review and potential corruption is NOT just a rhetorical issue. The language we choose and use powerfully shapes people's thinking and framing of info. "I'm riding the horse/vs. The horse is riding for me." (to use an old example) I'd very much like to hear from you and readers who have presciently downloaded some original (circa 2024) CDC text, as my team and I want to do a formal before / after linguistic and semantic analysis. Thank you very much. publiclinguist@substack.com or czarcadoolas@gmail.com

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see https://caitlinrivers.substack.com/ Feb 3 post

She talks about this and pulling "old" texts and "modified" text from CDC, etc. documents.

Quote from her substack: "My name is Dr. Caitlin Rivers. I’m an epidemiologist and associate professor at Johns Hopkins. I have a PhD in epidemiology and an MPH in infectious diseases." Her personal website is http://www.caitlinmrivers.com/

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Katelyn, do you know anything about the National Library of Medicine and its Medical Subject Headings? (MeSH) terms? They provide access to all the literature such as guidelines and studies? Are they threatened? Thank you for your diligent work.

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I haven’t heard about that front. I can try to run it down for you. Lets see what I can find

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Thank you. My whole career was as a hospital and academic medical librarian in Kansas City.

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On addition let’s all look for data / info on the conséquences for all children if some of them are not vaccinated. That can endanger e.g. immune suppressed kids and adults!

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Excellent question. This applies not only to MeSH but also to LCSH.

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be careful, as the US is transitioning to a dictatorship and they don't like information that doesn't align with their views

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While the communications freeze and disappearance of data are certainly alarming, my biggest concern is whether or not updated Covid-19 and influenza vaccines will be authorized for this fall. It seems inconceivable that they would not be, but nothing appears to be beyond the pale anymore…

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I’m wondering about the impact on ALL vaccines, should rfk jr be confirmed.

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I share your concern regarding all vaccines. Therefore, while I still can I’ve gotten boosters for all of my childhood vaccinations, and am working on those which did not exist in the 1960’s. Thankfully, so far they have all been covered 100% by insurance.

P.S. The above should not be considered medical advice.

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Thanks, Bob. Sorry I missed your reply btw. Going to contact my pcp and get info on doing the same thing, especially for measles.

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Sorry. Technically challenged.

How quickly we seem to have forgotten the confusion that the public experienced during the covid epidemic. What goes around comes around. Silo and partison thinking are not unique to any persuasion. Finger pointing should not replace reflection. Humility is missing on all sides as I see it. The results are evident. As things evolve the challenges include not increasing polarization and doing ones best to make reality evident to those whose beliefs conflict mine. We live in interesting times.

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It's pretty amazing to see someone still practicing "both sideism" as a coup d'état is in progress.

And I think you might have left out a vacuous cliché or two in that content-free babble. You need to work on that.

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Thank you for these updates, they are invaluable. As a primary care doc and a sane human being I am horrified

I have downloaded the 5 calls app and subscribed to caitlin Rivers. Information is our ammunition

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