Thank you! I wear an well-fitting N95 everywhere and believe it reduces (not eliminates) the chances I will catch or transmit COVID. Data supplied seems to support this. I don't want to be a vector in the chain of transmission. I'm sad to see masks not required in certain settings like Memory Care facilities. The staff and visitors…
Thank you! I wear an well-fitting N95 everywhere and believe it reduces (not eliminates) the chances I will catch or transmit COVID. Data supplied seems to support this. I don't want to be a vector in the chain of transmission. I'm sad to see masks not required in certain settings like Memory Care facilities. The staff and visitors are not masked in Memory Care and they continue to have outbreaks, currently the SIXTH outbreak where my loved one resides. And outbreaks are hard to control in this setting and extremely hard on this population. I wrote to my local Public Health department about this topic.
Thank you! I wear an well-fitting N95 everywhere and believe it reduces (not eliminates) the chances I will catch or transmit COVID. Data supplied seems to support this. I don't want to be a vector in the chain of transmission. I'm sad to see masks not required in certain settings like Memory Care facilities. The staff and visitors are not masked in Memory Care and they continue to have outbreaks, currently the SIXTH outbreak where my loved one resides. And outbreaks are hard to control in this setting and extremely hard on this population. I wrote to my local Public Health department about this topic.