Interesting, your choice of avoiding an 'abridged life'. I'm 82, and still have a small effect on the directions the next 3 generations after me take. To get that effect, is a bit like driving a car a car with many passengers, on a very busy road So I continue in an abridged manner, and can see the young'uns developing wonderfully …
Interesting, your choice of avoiding an 'abridged life'. I'm 82, and still have a small effect on the directions the next 3 generations after me take. To get that effect, is a bit like driving a car a car with many passengers, on a very busy road So I continue in an abridged manner, and can see the young'uns developing wonderfully in their lives. That is why the discomfort of a mask in public is worthwhile to me.
Interesting, your choice of avoiding an 'abridged life'. I'm 82, and still have a small effect on the directions the next 3 generations after me take. To get that effect, is a bit like driving a car a car with many passengers, on a very busy road So I continue in an abridged manner, and can see the young'uns developing wonderfully in their lives. That is why the discomfort of a mask in public is worthwhile to me.