Michael, your hypothetical assumes that x is a constant, a scalar number. More likely there is (or, if you prefer, would be) a randomly-distributed (from a statistical perspective) delay in time of infection, so the delayed infections would occur during an interval of time.
Michael, your hypothetical assumes that x is a constant, a scalar number. More likely there is (or, if you prefer, would be) a randomly-distributed (from a statistical perspective) delay in time of infection, so the delayed infections would occur during an interval of time.
Victor, with genuine respect (I recognized your name from smoking cessation research I believe), we now have 3 years of data falsifying the theory. Since the models couldn't predict anything, the observational studies fail quick replication tests, and the outcome of any region is indistinguishable between mask use, why not consider that the previous 100 years of knowledge on masks was correct all along?
I'm not sure how much time you've spent giving the literature on masks a close read, but I encourage you to re-read these papers with some skepticism.
I've been building on top of the 70 papers Katelyn posted Nov of 2020 since then in this google sheet:
Michael, your hypothetical assumes that x is a constant, a scalar number. More likely there is (or, if you prefer, would be) a randomly-distributed (from a statistical perspective) delay in time of infection, so the delayed infections would occur during an interval of time.
Victor, with genuine respect (I recognized your name from smoking cessation research I believe), we now have 3 years of data falsifying the theory. Since the models couldn't predict anything, the observational studies fail quick replication tests, and the outcome of any region is indistinguishable between mask use, why not consider that the previous 100 years of knowledge on masks was correct all along?
I'm not sure how much time you've spent giving the literature on masks a close read, but I encourage you to re-read these papers with some skepticism.
I've been building on top of the 70 papers Katelyn posted Nov of 2020 since then in this google sheet:
Appreciate feedback, thanks for the comment