My pandemic babies joined Elmo and got their first COVID19 vaccine today! These past 2.5 years have been so hard, but this milestone makes my mama heart so happy.
There are so many people that made this possible:
Scientists before the pandemic that didn’t give up on the mRNA platform;
Scientists, pharma companies, and governments that acted fast for a vaccine once a novel virus was detected;
Hundreds of thousands of adults, children, and parents who volunteered to participate in clinical trials;
Federal regulators that met a record breaking number of times to ensure the vaccines were safe and effective;
Pediatricians, doctors, pharmacists, and health departments that navigated red tape and a tough landscape so vaccines could be offered in a wide variety of places;
Grassroots networks that are still working tirelessly to get evidence-based information to communities.
The little 25 mcg dose in my girls’ legs is a direct result of, literally, millions of people working together. Our work is not done, but our collective effort towards a vaccine preventable disease is something to celebrate. As a mom and as an epidemiologist, I’m eternally grateful to all of you that played a role. I know you’re out there. THANK YOU.
Love, YLE
So glad for you and your family. And thank you for your own service to us all in helping us to deal more knowledgeably with this disease.
Well, maybe there's hope for all of us yet. The pandemic brought out the worst in us, but it also brought out the best. The center holds, the good prevails, and we all live on, for the sake,. If nothing else, the children.