Florida’s surgeon general is a doctor. Why doesn’t whatever organization accredits doctors in Florida take action against him for violating accepted standards of practice?
Florida’s surgeon general is a doctor. Why doesn’t whatever organization accredits doctors in Florida take action against him for violating accepted standards of practice?
As a Floridian, the state board regulating them is also a state agency with a governor-appointed secretary. He has immunity (no pun intended) to do whatever he wants.
Florida’s surgeon general is a doctor. Why doesn’t whatever organization accredits doctors in Florida take action against him for violating accepted standards of practice?
As a Floridian, the state board regulating them is also a state agency with a governor-appointed secretary. He has immunity (no pun intended) to do whatever he wants.
According to his UFL page https://internal.medicine.ufl.edu/profile/ladapo-joseph/#board-certifications he is a a board-certified specialist in Internal Medicine. The FL state Board [https://flboardofmedicine.gov/the-board/] does not control the American Board of Internal Medicine. Could the latter revoke his certification? https://www.abim.org/maintenance-of-certification/assessment-information/prepare-for-assessment-in-a-test-center#irregular (Presumably, a complaint from the parent of a harmed child would carry the most weight.) Could any relevant specialty Boards (e.g, for dermatology, pediatrics, orthopedic surgery, cardiovascular medicine) revoke certification of FL state Board members for their failure to protect public health? (Of course the latter would require finding out who is on the FL state Board, and verifying that the seven members whose terms have expired have continued to serve, as is legally permitted.)