I'm so sorry that you are subjected to that absurd and illegal behavior. You are doing incredible work and we are thankful for it.

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You are amazing. This old retired family doc reads from start to finish and saves all of your columns. My opinion is that you and your colleagues represent the best thinking and explaining I've seen anywhere regarding the issues you've written about. Please don't ever stop!

Allen W. Ditto, M.D. Jefferson Medical College- 1979, F.P. residency 1979-1982, board certified 1982-2019, active practice 1982-2019.

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I doubled my GoFundMe YLE donation when I read about death threats against you. I hope others will too.

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May 31, 2022Liked by Katelyn Jetelina

I was utterly shocked and disheartened to read you've received death threats. That is especially awful in light of the good work you do. Perhaps the greatest challenge we face today is the Epidemic of Ignorance ...

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May 31, 2022Liked by Katelyn Jetelina

Thank you for your work, Dr. Jetelina, and so sorry to hear you are getting death threats. 💚

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I’m so sorry you are apparently receiving hideous messages. Know that rational people appreciate your effort and absolutely support you. Thank you for your hard work.

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you have done us all an amazing service. I felt so hopeless after the most recent school shooting and your post gave me hope and opened my eyes, of course we need to step back, and take a public health approach. I am grateful to and for you!


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I am grateful for your work Katelyn - Your blog continues to be a voice of reason and sound science in a very polarized world. The information you regularly provide has been a lifeline for me and my colleagues as the pandemic continues to unfold... I also truly appreciate the way you address some very complex social issues with grace, wisdom, and more of the story. In fact, some of your recent blogs have come just in time, as I could see some of my family members being sucked into the deep dark hole of rhetoric and binary thinking that seems to flourish in our culture. I believe your work helps curiosity, kindness, and truth flourish - and I need more of "that" in my life. GRATEFUL. Please keep up the amazing and important work.

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I have been an RN since 1998, and became a Nurse Practitioner last year. Working full time, going through grad school, and volunteering countless hours to give thousands of COVID vaccines over the last years has been quite an experience (not to mention one of my kids was diagnosed with cancer for the third time six months ago). I tend to be an optimist, and was not aware of just how extraordinary the level of ignorance in our society is until the pandemic. It shook me to my core. But your newsletter brought me hope and I have shared it with countless family members, patients, colleagues, and friends. You have helped me be able to educate others better by taking complex topics and translating them in a way they can understand and make more informed decisions. You are an invaluable resource and I appreciate your hard work! I know first hand how hard it is to balance everything. I TRULY hope some day you will become the head of the CDC and bring back some of the credibility that was lost due to political mistakes along the way. The work you do is VITAL to healthcare in our country and the world. I know you have a lot of help, but if there is ever anything I can to, please reach out. I have no words for those giving death threats, other than keep up the good fight, doctor! ❤️

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Good luck in your nursing career! It truly is answering a calling. What I’ve been through with my son made me a better nurse and NP, and a better mom to keep him alive. We have a setback right now, but he’s in the best hands. Thank goodness for science and clinical trials that have kept him alive!

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I echo what most everyone is saying. Keep up the extraordinary work. I love the science-based content of your posts and the statistics and the bottom line paragraph at the end. And deplore the threats of violence that others seem to think adds to conversation (or stop it!) and will solve today's problems. Thank you for what you do!

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Oh, man, I cannot believe that there are folks out there who find fault with your columns, you've been absolutely amazing throughout the pandemic. I'm so glad my doctor and scientist nephews turned me on to you. Take care, and keep going!

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Her posts need an allergy warning saying they contain truth. Some people have an extreme reaction to truth.

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I agree with all the laudatory comments so far. It seems that getting death threats lately has become vindication of work well done, which is a sad commentary on our freedoms. Please keep speaking your practical yet science-based words. We need them!

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May 31, 2022Liked by Katelyn Jetelina

Thank you for all you do and all the time you put into this newsletter! I've been a follower for 2 years and I will gladly pay for a subscription to help keep this going. I don't need fancy extras, just knowing I'm helping someone keep going with something so important right now while our politicians and government are failing us.

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May 31, 2022Liked by Katelyn Jetelina

Gratitude for the outstanding work you are doing! So clear and concise! YTB

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May 31, 2022Liked by Katelyn Jetelina

I never would have guessed that we would become so medieval that speaking science would get you death threats. Thanks for your enlightenment YLE

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I am the assistant medical director for a large FQHC in Vermont. I have relied heavily on your blog as I have tried to steer this organization through the COVID storm. Your advice has been invaluable. I’m so sorry to hear that you have received threatS of violence. People can be horrible. Please keep up the great work!

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