It really angers me that the CDC isn’t tracking all breakthroughs even if they don’t investigate everything, because we are losing so much information, such as what’s going on here.

There have been a couple of Delta breakthrough CLUSTERS in the news lately, so there may be fully vaxxed people who are superspreaders. I don’t think you can attribute these to individual immune system issues.

In this cluster, the sources had a vaccine with lower effectiveness, and they probably stood pretty close together, even though outdoors. But the other folks had mRNA. All guests were required to be fully vaxxed.


8 fully vaxxed, 2 partially vaxxed, 1 unvaxxed health care workers were infected at a pool party.


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I just heard that the NY Yankees have had a series of breakthrough clusters. This article doesn’t include the current one and it would not have been Delta. The players took J&J, which is 66% effective against moderate/severe, and all but one were asymptomatic


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One coach though who was vaccinated ended up hospitalized right afterwards. The article you posted claimed he recovered after a few days but he was out for nearly a month: https://apnews.com/article/new-york-yankees-mlb-coronavirus-pandemic-health-baseball-a031a92151e59cb7b7ae89f520cba3a8

It is unclear whether what he was hospitalized for was directly related to covid but it happened right afterwards.

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Question: Many of the news reports about breakthrough cases show that groups of friends or couples who are all fully vaccinated but spent time together somehow *all* ended up as breakthrough cases. With the 88% vaccine efficacy rate, how does that work? For example, if a husband who is fully vaccinated is infected as a breakthrough case, shouldn’t it be highly unprobable mathematically that his fully vaccinated wife also then contracts it from him?

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Good question! I'm curious about this too.

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Thanks for this! Katelyn, you are a gem. As a retired fed health professional, I have kind of an embedded risk vs threat meter after all those years of working. I am cringing at everyone going back to normal, like the pandemic is over. I over quote Yogi Berra - it ain't over till it's over.

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Given the increased transmissibility of Delta, is there any sense that the original public health cautionary advice will/should change? Meaning-- 6 ft. distance, 20 second hand washing, outdoors is okay, and any mask will do-- are those good enough for Delta? I'm not differentiating between the vax and un-vax population since most vaccinated folks I know still want to be quite cautionary. Thanks so much for what you do!

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As a fully vaccinated person, I have continued to mask indoors as my kids are not vaccinated and I do not want to risk spreading it to them. I am now getting nervous about outdoor interactions i.e school dropoffs, outdoor bday parties, etc. with potentially unvaccinated individuals. The wedding and Vegas pool party stories have made me a bit nervous. Any thoughts?

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I wish I could put an attachment here but in the same vein of all of this, my sister , who is a diehard anti vaxxer sent me a snip of the Israel Health ministry case reporting from last week which breaks down cases of fully vaccinated and non vaccinated by age group. The chart shows almost higher percentage of vaccinated individuals with cases and show small case load but overall high percent . She is running with this information saying this proves that the vaccine makes you more suspepticle to covid and is causing the current issues. Local, I know you have explained this data reporting misunderstanding before but can you explain again why the data looks skewed in Israel ? Also check me on my chart

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