
Nice to see uncertainties clearly expressed. Happy Holidays and safe times to you all.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Katelyn Jetelina

Thanks so much for this concise & informative update. Wishing your family a Happy Thanksgiving!

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Nov 20, 2023·edited Nov 20, 2023

Public health professional and expert explains the best practices and then states, "we don't do that anymore, because the tests are expensive" despite absolutely being able to afford it. If even the most informed and privileged people can't be bothered to test before an event (with a 39% chance of catching potential infection), then I guess no will. I will keep testing to protect others but jeeze that admission is depressing for any immunocompromised person.

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Does Medicare cover Paxlovid?

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Given that cost of Paxlovid is an issue, for those without access, what are your thoughts for clinicians on using metformin to reduce a patient's risk of developing long covid?

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Thanks, useful information as usual. I had forgotten about the ventilation systems on airplanes. As we are flying home from Buenos Aires tomorrow, the reminder was timely. I had been wearing an N-95 end to end, but this suggests to me that I can switch over to a KN-95 once we're in flight.

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1) Masks work on an "individual level", but there is somehow no evidence at all of them working at a population level (a population is comprised of individuals). This theory makes no sense. You continue to spread lies about masks.

2) Wearing properly fitted N95s is extremely uncomfortable and not at all practical for most people. And the evidence for even fitted N95s working to prevent viral infection is very weak.

3) Prior to 2020, I never heard any "experts" publishing pieces on how to avoid viruses at Thanksgiving. I never heard anyone telling people to celebrate outside.

4) I have a hard time believing the percentages in the survey you shared. When I go out in public (I live in a liberal metro area), I see maybe 1-2% of people wearing masks. Sometimes I see zero.

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I really wish we could dropped the paxlovid label regarding "rebound". It's the natural history of a biphasic disease and is more properly called the inflammatory rebound reaction. Also happens, as mentioned, without paxlovid but also with other antivirals. Even if we accept that 1 in 5 get an inflammatory response, that's not that common in my books.

Has anyone asked the question, do we get "rebounds"? with other respiratory diseases? Yes, of course and we also need to examine if a course of any antimicrobials truly clears a antigen or does the immune system kicks in to complete.

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Thank you so much, Dr. Jetelina, for once again providing concise, clear, and timely information for the holidays. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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Thank you for this latest update. I also no longer test before I gathering, though I will test if I've just been at an event with a lot of people, and I'm going to see a vulnerable person. I was a panelist at our local science fiction convention over Veteran's Day weekend, and was glad that the con had a masking requirement for all programming spaces in the hotel. The only time I was unmasked was at lunch in the restaurant on Sunday--the tables were spread out, and ventilation seemed quite good.

Safe travels and happy Thanksgiving!

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I had been getting my limit of Covid tests when they were free in spring and keeping up with the changing expiration dates. And I got another batch in this most recent offer by the govt. I was not very amused to learn that the most recent ones sent by the govt had expiration dates sooner than any of the dozen or so I had gotten in the spring. I think they just wanted to clear out the warehouse.

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I feel like all of this is a lot less overwhelming if we take a step back and remember an important principle:

It's OK to skip things completely

Really. It is. I'd your friends and family truly love and care about you, then they'll get over it if you decide to forego the occasional holiday gathering.

I was supposed to fly to a memorial service for my uncle this weekend. After finding out that his daughter-in-law was going, despite having active Covid (and having exposed her husband and son, who would also be going) - I canceled my flight. If asked why, I'll just say "something came up." I don't really owe anyone more than that.

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Happy Thanksgiving to you and your sweet family!

We are still battling with the Covid conspiracy folks. Oh yeah!

Best to all that support science based research.

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As always, clear, thoughtful, and yet pithy. And for the answers to commenters. I appreciate that. I need as little "noise" as possible in balancing my sources & deductions in the continuing pandemic. I'm really here to give a shout out to the emoticon about maximizing time with family. Truth is truth ;0)

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Thank you so much as always! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your!

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I think at this point the government is just trying to get rid of all its at-home tests before they have to go in the trash. My latest delivery were 6 months past the expiration date when they arrived. I know those dates have been extended, but they don't last forever--seems like the gov ought to be sending people tests that will last a year or two!

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