It is the mark of a great soul that it can look at itself and admit its shortcomings. Congratulations! You are an inspiration! - Thank you also for all you did during the pandemic. Your column was our go-to place for the best information. Was it perfect? No. We were not looking for perfect. Only fools do that.
It is the mark of a great soul that it can look at itself and admit its shortcomings. Congratulations! You are an inspiration! - Thank you also for all you did during the pandemic. Your column was our go-to place for the best information. Was it perfect? No. We were not looking for perfect. Only fools do that.
It is the mark of a great soul that it can look at itself and admit its shortcomings. Congratulations! You are an inspiration! - Thank you also for all you did during the pandemic. Your column was our go-to place for the best information. Was it perfect? No. We were not looking for perfect. Only fools do that.