The data you cite on the comparative risks of death from flu or COVID is from the UK. The US is running at about 150,000 deaths a year from COVID, probably about 3 times the annual deaths from the flu. Thus, your elaborating on the risk of death from the two causes in the US would be most welcome.
The data you cite on the comparative risks of death from flu or COVID is from the UK. The US is running at about 150,000 deaths a year from COVID, probably about 3 times the annual deaths from the flu. Thus, your elaborating on the risk of death from the two causes in the US would be most welcome.
The data you cite on the comparative risks of death from flu or COVID is from the UK. The US is running at about 150,000 deaths a year from COVID, probably about 3 times the annual deaths from the flu. Thus, your elaborating on the risk of death from the two causes in the US would be most welcome.