"Very few leaders and institutions step up to effectively process and distill information and listen so people can effectively navigate impossible times. It’s left to volunteers and a few amazing reporters to fill the gap." Nobody filled the gap except you. That's why I immediately subscribed after finding your newsletter and later contributed. I will contribute again. Nobody is doing what you do.

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Exactly! Very well said.

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News of this honor brought tears to my eyes. There is no one and no thing that has helped myself and my family navigate these years of coronavirus safely more than you. My physician assistant daughter introduced me to your communications and since then you have been the light that has helped me understand the disease, its spread and the appropriate actions for me and my loved ones to stay as healthy as possible. From the bottom of my grandmother heart I thank you for all that you have done. Reliable data and heart felt concern are hard to come by in this era. You have provided both. This recognition is well deserved.

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Congratulations! I’m very happy that you have been honored so.

You filled a void that CDC left open at the height of COVID. For me, there were others on Twitter who filled this void as well, but nobody else did the job cogently, apolitically, and in a manner that was (and continues to be) accessible to a wide spectrum of readers and knowledge levels.

If I could go back in time and pick one person to send out national communications on behalf of CDC every week or so, I’d pick you in hindsight - and our country (and possibly the world) would’ve been better for it.

Your selfless public service in a time of public emergency was the very definition of leadership - it constituted the identification of a problem that others (mostly) failed to spot, and you raised to the occasion and solved the problem in a manner that made things better for everybody involved. This award is well deserved, but more importantly, it’s apt. Once again, thank you and congratulations!

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I’m so happy that you’re getting well deserved recognition. Group effort, yes, but you took the initiative—which was heroic. I have been amazed at your fortitude. You brought sanity and groundedness to insane times. And, in your beautiful way of speaking truth to power, you admitted you’re angry that you were even needed to fill this role. Truth. I recall during the pandemic, I thought to myself, “Where are the governmental PSA’s with actually accurate information when we most need them?” And, at the beginning, “Why hasn’t the government delivered packages of n-95 masks to every household.” Instead, even health care workers were going without them—as if we could not expect a pandemic to happen. It all highlights an inadequate and broken system and I always appreciate your candor at pointing out the flaws and how it ought be built better. Forever grateful to you!

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Thank you so much for sharing this sweet news with us, and including the photographs. Your hard and careful work deserves this recognition. It choked me up, too, and I'm delighted to put a face and a person to the work!

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As wonderful as this award is, I suspect the future will bring you an even more meaningful reward - the pride your girls will have for their mother’s impact and recognition.

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Congratulations! It is so wonderful to see you being honored and recognized. What you have provided to so many during such an uncertain, unprecedented, frightening time is absolutely invaluable. It is reassuring to see some sanity in the world, in that you are being recognized for your highly relevant and evidence based communications. Thank you for being a voice of reason and knowledge. Thank you for your devotion and grit and wisdom.

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Congratulations Katelyn, If more people read your daily health news the US would not have suffered so greatly from COVID-19...despite our exceptional scientific and medical research output. Communication is our weak link in the midst of inspiring discoveries.

Peter Rhines www.ocean.washington.edu/research/gfd/AIR

(member Nat'l Acad of Sciences)

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Thank you for your work Peter!

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YAY! Absolute congratulations! This is SUCH WELL DESERVED recognition! You keep us informed, sane, and supported! I cannot imagine my last two years without YLE! It's an honor to read you!

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I see that newborn in your arms and marvel at your drive and resilience. The fire burning in you is so brilliant, it could not be extinguished.

Your “mother love”, so strong, it kept you going to protect the life of that baby and everyone else who needed knowledge to survive a global pandemic. Your daughters have a role model of epic proportions.

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Katelyn, Congratulations! In a sea of sensational journalism, your newsletter provided clear, easily understood guidance that helped me make decisions on PPE and employment practices that helped protect my staff during the pandemic. We are a wastewater agency, and working from home was not an option for so many of my staff, and my environmental services director pointed me toward your newsletter. Thank you, thank you, your award is very well deserved!

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Congratulations! Thank you for dedicating so much of your free time to keeping us informed. I've relied on your (beautifully written) newsletter to stay abreast of COVID news and science-backed guidance. Your compassion, passion and gift of translating scientific data into concise, understandable information is beautiful. 🙏

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Mazel Tov - I could not have navigated this pandemic as a physician and mother without your guidance. You provide an incredible service! Thank you. It does take a team to move forward, but a team needs a willing, brilliant, compassionate leader to step up…thank you , thank you.

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Huge congratulations! For the past several years, I've managed a Facebook group of 8,500 members to help people find vaccine shots and navigate Covid information (https://www.facebook.com/groups/oregonvaccinehunters.) We cite your work so often, and it's usually the first place I look for answers when people have questions. You are much appreciated here in Oregon!

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Well done. Occasionally, life allows us to witness good things happen to good people. Savor the moment. Best wishes.

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Woo Hoo! Congratulations for this honor and I am grateful for your incredible commitment to science, health, and we would be flying in the dark without scientists who have been willing to brave, threats, inadequate healthcare reporting system, and lets not forget an incredibly fierce foe COVID 19. Thank you, thank you! Tell your grandpa that you are appreciated beyond words! Please keep going as you have so many supporters and this is how change occurs.

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