Thank you for including the side-by-side maps of the old/new color-coding system from the CDC. I wonder if you would consider talking more in a newsletter about the changed coding systems (especially as has now also aligned with the new CDC guidelines). This is not my field, so I do find it a bit overwhelming. I appreciat…
Thank you for including the side-by-side maps of the old/new color-coding system from the CDC. I wonder if you would consider talking more in a newsletter about the changed coding systems (especially as has now also aligned with the new CDC guidelines). This is not my field, so I do find it a bit overwhelming. I appreciate good data and felt like I had a handle on which numbers to watch and what they meant. Now, I feel like everything is upside down and I'm not sure what to look at and what numbers to starting thinking about mask vs no-mask, for example. I could use help establishing a new baseline and understanding of what the current levels and shared data mean for me as an individual.
Thank you for including the side-by-side maps of the old/new color-coding system from the CDC. I wonder if you would consider talking more in a newsletter about the changed coding systems (especially as has now also aligned with the new CDC guidelines). This is not my field, so I do find it a bit overwhelming. I appreciate good data and felt like I had a handle on which numbers to watch and what they meant. Now, I feel like everything is upside down and I'm not sure what to look at and what numbers to starting thinking about mask vs no-mask, for example. I could use help establishing a new baseline and understanding of what the current levels and shared data mean for me as an individual.