Hello! One of my friends who is vaccine hesitant asked my thoughts on this video - wondering if you can help with talking points https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iy3SfGPcPzA

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I would love to see thoughts on this as well.

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I'm guessing you don't have much time to reply to questions, but I'll give it a try! As a secretary at a middle school in PA I was offered (and took) the J&J vaccine. With talk of Pfizer and possibly Moderna releasing a booster (or a third shot), what does that mean for us J&J people? I received the shot in late March of 2021. Should I start over with the Pfizer or just wait and see (not my favorite option:). If you have time to reply, I would greatly appreciate it, if not, I totally understand, you are doing great and important work!

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Did you see this post from another epidemiologist? It was somewhat reassuring about waiting until we get a directive: https://emilysmith.substack.com/p/j-and-j-vaccine-effectiveness-delta-1fc

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Wow Thank you! That was exactly the information I was looking for (and hoping for)!

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Glad to help. :-)

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