Lots of people askinb on fb but i cant over there , raises bp too much ( thank you again for your bravery) . Anyway same q ive askedbefor: how does delta change the risk of vaccinated adult transmitting to unvax kid. :( and what is your advice for parents who see the benefit of back to school/ camp( huge! And real and needed!) but dont want to be foolish here w so much at stake. THANK YOU! 💕you and a few others are all i can read

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Hi Dr. Jetelina - thank you for this update! Quick Q for you. Do you have any insight into this recent lab alert from the CDC? https://www.cdc.gov/csels/dls/locs/2021/07-21-2021-lab-alert-Changes_CDC_RT-PCR_SARS-CoV-2_Testing_1.html?fbclid=IwAR0tqIrTDmAKZtlWju_O2nM3cD8uGfD8qjTrGCQ7ZwGBuRYpTAHAENInATw

Anti-vaxxers are going nuts over it, acting like this is *evidence* of a vaccine/COVID conspiracy. Obviously that's not the case but it would be great to understand it more from your perspective. Thanks again for all you do for us!

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How long will this delay the timeline for pediatric vaccines?

Any recommendations on sending kids to school or not (if you have an option to not send them)?

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