It would be unethical for every single trial to use mortality as an endpoint, once you've established credible relationships between disease severity and mortality. It's the same reason we don't put actual living humans in cars when doing crash testing. All the vaccine trials did demonstrate effectiveness against severe disease, which is…
It would be unethical for every single trial to use mortality as an endpoint, once you've established credible relationships between disease severity and mortality. It's the same reason we don't put actual living humans in cars when doing crash testing. All the vaccine trials did demonstrate effectiveness against severe disease, which is sufficient to demonstrate that they save lives and shift the burden of proof to anyone who claims otherwise. Yours is the extraordinary claim here, which demands extraordinary proof.
It would be unethical for every single trial to use mortality as an endpoint, once you've established credible relationships between disease severity and mortality. It's the same reason we don't put actual living humans in cars when doing crash testing. All the vaccine trials did demonstrate effectiveness against severe disease, which is sufficient to demonstrate that they save lives and shift the burden of proof to anyone who claims otherwise. Yours is the extraordinary claim here, which demands extraordinary proof.