www.covidtaser.com/relativerisk tool has risk that varies smoothly by age. The problem we are trying to fix though is that covid has changed since the data that informed the risk estimates was collected. The 19 and Me Risk calculator allows you to vary ages smoothly, and is more updated, but doesn't output information in MM like the fir…
www.covidtaser.com/relativerisk tool has risk that varies smoothly by age. The problem we are trying to fix though is that covid has changed since the data that informed the risk estimates was collected. The 19 and Me Risk calculator allows you to vary ages smoothly, and is more updated, but doesn't output information in MM like the first suggested tool. I can convert percents to MM if you want though and explain it in a reply.
www.covidtaser.com/relativerisk tool has risk that varies smoothly by age. The problem we are trying to fix though is that covid has changed since the data that informed the risk estimates was collected. The 19 and Me Risk calculator allows you to vary ages smoothly, and is more updated, but doesn't output information in MM like the first suggested tool. I can convert percents to MM if you want though and explain it in a reply.