is one article I've read so far trying to answer this. It says that immunosuppressed people have double the risk from COVID-19 as others of a similar age, bodyweight and activity level. The thing that is hard is that this study was for unvaccinated people, and it lumps many different con… is one article I've read so far trying to answer this. It says that immunosuppressed people have double the risk from COVID-19 as others of a similar age, bodyweight and activity level. The thing that is hard is that this study was for unvaccinated people, and it lumps many different conditions together and I've been finding other studies that show different types of immune suppression have different impacts on risk. I'll keep going. is one article I've read so far trying to answer this. It says that immunosuppressed people have double the risk from COVID-19 as others of a similar age, bodyweight and activity level. The thing that is hard is that this study was for unvaccinated people, and it lumps many different conditions together and I've been finding other studies that show different types of immune suppression have different impacts on risk. I'll keep going.