Wow. Doesn't take much to trigger your dystopian fantasies, does it?
Unlike you, it seems, I know some trans folks. They didn't go through the difficult stages of conversion because of something they saw on the Internet. In fact, no sane person has body parts removed because someone told them to do it. Get a grip and stop drinking the Koo…
Wow. Doesn't take much to trigger your dystopian fantasies, does it?
Unlike you, it seems, I know some trans folks. They didn't go through the difficult stages of conversion because of something they saw on the Internet. In fact, no sane person has body parts removed because someone told them to do it. Get a grip and stop drinking the Koolaid.
Maybe try talking to some actual trans folks and find out how they came to realize who and what they really were. They won't give you cooties, honestly.
"Sex change" is not good language: sex in mammals is fixed at conception and cannot be changed later by any means. These are "sex trait modifications", not "sex changes".
Several European countries, with not-for-profit healthcare systems, have done evidence reviews of pediatric sex trait modification, and found it has no clear benefit and much potential harm, and are curtailing the practice. Here is the report from the UK, which no longer permits puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones for minors outside of controlled clinical trials:
And yes I know some "trans folks", including people with lifelong mental health issues who believed that transition would solve all their problems. It only gave them new physical problems.
Your numbers are all from Do No Harm, which offers no independent sources for them. I couldn't find a single cite for those claims anywhere else. "Take our word for it" doesn't fill one with confidence, especially coming from an organization with such an obvious agenda.
"Do No Harm" is a right wing organization which, like so many of those organizations, has an excessive interest in anything involving sex, gender or anything else it considers "woke" (which appears to be quite a lot). Especially someone else's sex and gender. One need only look at their web site and look at the headlines to figure that out. Or read up on the people behind it, e.g.
Also, you have misrepresented the NHS study (which, I suspect, you either did not read or looked over selectively for something that appeared to support your agenda). I actually read it. I invite anyone else who is interested to do the same. And to also look at the extreme political agenda behind "Stop No Harm."
In any case, it's interesting (as I noted earlier) how excessively interested in this subject some people are, even to the point of injecting their excessive interest in forums that have nothing to do with it. What would Freud say, I wonder?
P.S. Sex and gender are not synonyms. Gender dysphoria is real. It is true that reliable numbers are hard to come by since, as the NHS study notes, definitions are still not as clear as they should be. Citing raw numbers is meaningless since they don't take into account the increase in overall population. And since the medical interventions for gender dysphoria are still relatively new (it wasn't even in the DSM until 1980), it's difficult to make historical comparisons. It's like looking at the increase in cataract surgery numbers and then assuming that there's something suspicious about them.
Here are some earlier numbers from Reuters, less comprehensive because they are based on a smaller set of records:
>The Komodo analysis of insurance claims found 56 genital surgeries among patients ages 13 to 17 with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis from 2019 to 2021.
>Among teens, “top surgery” to remove breasts is more common. In the three years ending in 2021, at least 776 mastectomies were performed in the United States on patients ages 13 to 17 with a gender dysphoria diagnosis, according to Komodo’s data analysis of insurance claims. This tally does not include procedures that were paid for out of pocket.
>At least 14,726 minors started hormone treatment with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis from 2017 through 2021, according to the Komodo analysis.
The exponential growth is bad because of the fact that every thorough evidence review has concluded that these procedures have little to no value and the prospect to do great harm. The AAP promised its own evidence review over a year ago but has done nothing.
Wow. Doesn't take much to trigger your dystopian fantasies, does it?
Unlike you, it seems, I know some trans folks. They didn't go through the difficult stages of conversion because of something they saw on the Internet. In fact, no sane person has body parts removed because someone told them to do it. Get a grip and stop drinking the Koolaid.
Maybe try talking to some actual trans folks and find out how they came to realize who and what they really were. They won't give you cooties, honestly.
The numbers are real, not fantasy. In the United States between 2019 and 2023:
13,994 minors underwent sex change treatments
5,747 minors had sex change surgeries
8,579 minors received hormones and puberty blockers
62,682 sex change prescriptions were written for minors
"Sex change" is not good language: sex in mammals is fixed at conception and cannot be changed later by any means. These are "sex trait modifications", not "sex changes".
Several European countries, with not-for-profit healthcare systems, have done evidence reviews of pediatric sex trait modification, and found it has no clear benefit and much potential harm, and are curtailing the practice. Here is the report from the UK, which no longer permits puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones for minors outside of controlled clinical trials:
There are also multiple whistleblower reports on what is happening in the US. Here is one:
And yes I know some "trans folks", including people with lifelong mental health issues who believed that transition would solve all their problems. It only gave them new physical problems.
Your numbers are all from Do No Harm, which offers no independent sources for them. I couldn't find a single cite for those claims anywhere else. "Take our word for it" doesn't fill one with confidence, especially coming from an organization with such an obvious agenda.
"Do No Harm" is a right wing organization which, like so many of those organizations, has an excessive interest in anything involving sex, gender or anything else it considers "woke" (which appears to be quite a lot). Especially someone else's sex and gender. One need only look at their web site and look at the headlines to figure that out. Or read up on the people behind it, e.g.
Also, you have misrepresented the NHS study (which, I suspect, you either did not read or looked over selectively for something that appeared to support your agenda). I actually read it. I invite anyone else who is interested to do the same. And to also look at the extreme political agenda behind "Stop No Harm."
In any case, it's interesting (as I noted earlier) how excessively interested in this subject some people are, even to the point of injecting their excessive interest in forums that have nothing to do with it. What would Freud say, I wonder?
P.S. Sex and gender are not synonyms. Gender dysphoria is real. It is true that reliable numbers are hard to come by since, as the NHS study notes, definitions are still not as clear as they should be. Citing raw numbers is meaningless since they don't take into account the increase in overall population. And since the medical interventions for gender dysphoria are still relatively new (it wasn't even in the DSM until 1980), it's difficult to make historical comparisons. It's like looking at the increase in cataract surgery numbers and then assuming that there's something suspicious about them.
Here's some history from the APA for you to ignore, but others may find it useful:
Also the Mayo Clinic:
Here are some earlier numbers from Reuters, less comprehensive because they are based on a smaller set of records:
>The Komodo analysis of insurance claims found 56 genital surgeries among patients ages 13 to 17 with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis from 2019 to 2021.
>Among teens, “top surgery” to remove breasts is more common. In the three years ending in 2021, at least 776 mastectomies were performed in the United States on patients ages 13 to 17 with a gender dysphoria diagnosis, according to Komodo’s data analysis of insurance claims. This tally does not include procedures that were paid for out of pocket.
>At least 14,726 minors started hormone treatment with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis from 2017 through 2021, according to the Komodo analysis.
The exponential growth is bad because of the fact that every thorough evidence review has concluded that these procedures have little to no value and the prospect to do great harm. The AAP promised its own evidence review over a year ago but has done nothing.