Let's see the SHOES!

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I feel so fortunate to have found you and YLE. It brings me hope that there is a path to honest scientific study.

I see no better representative of science-based truth to our nation than you.

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Congratulations! You definitely belong in the White House conversations.

I am a Family Doctor with a background in Public Health. I read your newsletter every morning and make clinical decisions and recommendations based on the data that you present so beautifully. Keep going! Your timely synthesis and careful evaluation of complex and sometimes disparate data is very much appreciated!

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Thanks for all that you do, Katelyn. Seeing you at the White House is much needed reassurance that science is still important. Also, may we see the new shoes?

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Thanks for your persistent and high quality work. You’ve become my metric for assessing Covid truths and falsehoods. And you have promoted thoughtful discussion of COVID issue. Keep it up. You are making a difference! We can beat this disease with determined and fair leadership from folks like you.

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You really earned this, every step of the way, parenting and teaching while staying up late to analyze data that isn't even your primary research area and then sending it out to our community in coherent, digestible form. You've been a real lifeline, thank you!

Now I'm hoping you get to contribute research in gun violence and safety too.

Deborah Young, MD

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Well-deserved honor, and an honor for the White House to have you as part of the discussion.

You possess both the knowledge and communication skills that are so important. Thank you for sharing your work with us in a timely, intelligent fashion.

Andy Smith (Hanover, PA)

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Hope you reminded them that there are some of us out here too medically vulnerable to protect ourselves in public transport, medical offices/dentists, and government buildings. They need to help us with air quality and re-introducing masks at least in essential settings. They can send very strong messaging and information without mandating, though some settings (healthcare) really do need mandates as it should not be optional. Also, hope you told them we're not stupid. If they got clear about the message, many more people would actually get it. Oh, oh and also .... LONG COVID.

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Thank you! From your colleagues, to households like mine just trying to make sense of things, to the White House??!!! So grateful for your work for all of us.

May your goodness and smarts continue to help us all. ❤️

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Katelyn. You (and team) — you are our rock star. Your beautifully crafted evidence rich but brief summary has been essential. Given the challenges we have faced, you have been hope and inspiration.

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Heartfelt congratulations on the recognition for the heavy task you have taken on yourself. Many thanks for the clarity of your thoughts and words. You are truly among the finest of public citizens,

Most sincerely,

Wm R Greenfield MD

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Please, please don't get sucked in by the politicians!!! Your analytic approach has not room for influence peddlers....,,.we have grown to trust the truth from you. . KEEP TRUTH COMING.

Don Rhodes

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You are a national treasure!! We need more women like you in every arena of public life 💝

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Thank you for being a leader when we needed one !

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Keep on with your badass self! As a physician, I appreciate all the work you do to help me keep up on the ever-changing recommendations and data. THANK YOU!

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Congrats! I appreciate your clear concise evidence based communications and guidance. I am sure your expertise will help this country face the future challenges! Thank you for all you do!

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