Maybe I’ve fallen into a rabbit hole, but I personally still mask and am concerned about long term effects of Covid. I think the new go back to work once your fever is gone is ridiculous. Many never have a fever, and we are contagious much longer than a day or two: why we think it’s okay to continue spreading this disease that thousands …
Maybe I’ve fallen into a rabbit hole, but I personally still mask and am concerned about long term effects of Covid. I think the new go back to work once your fever is gone is ridiculous. Many never have a fever, and we are contagious much longer than a day or two: why we think it’s okay to continue spreading this disease that thousands are still dying from each month is just crazy. Our world has lost its collective mind.
THANK YOU. I totally agree. I don't mask everywhere anymore, but I do wear a mask in healthcare facilities, and any other indoor place that is crowded or poorly ventilated. I stay home when I have any cold symptoms at all, and if I MUST go out with a cold, I wear a mask. If I see someone wearing a mask while I am not, I respectfully keep extra distance from them.
I had covid right after Christmas (just 7-8 weeks after my latest shot) and for me it was just like a mild but persistent cold. But I isolated at home (because I live with a higher risk senior) until I tested negative and felt almost normal -- despite the incomprehensibly weak "guidance" from the CDC that it's now OK to just run around town like a plague rat as long as you don't have a fever. Holy cow, that's dumb.
Yes!! It isn't that difficult. I work with babies and toddlers. Both times i have gotten covid its been from them. They can't mask, so all these people out MasKless while sick or even asymptomatic are getting these innocents sick, and they bring it to me. I now mask all day in my own home with them so they do not get me sick again, and hopefully to keep them safe if i somehow pick it up. I am so done with people who don't care who they infect and think its a joke.
Maybe I’ve fallen into a rabbit hole, but I personally still mask and am concerned about long term effects of Covid. I think the new go back to work once your fever is gone is ridiculous. Many never have a fever, and we are contagious much longer than a day or two: why we think it’s okay to continue spreading this disease that thousands are still dying from each month is just crazy. Our world has lost its collective mind.
THANK YOU. I totally agree. I don't mask everywhere anymore, but I do wear a mask in healthcare facilities, and any other indoor place that is crowded or poorly ventilated. I stay home when I have any cold symptoms at all, and if I MUST go out with a cold, I wear a mask. If I see someone wearing a mask while I am not, I respectfully keep extra distance from them.
I had covid right after Christmas (just 7-8 weeks after my latest shot) and for me it was just like a mild but persistent cold. But I isolated at home (because I live with a higher risk senior) until I tested negative and felt almost normal -- despite the incomprehensibly weak "guidance" from the CDC that it's now OK to just run around town like a plague rat as long as you don't have a fever. Holy cow, that's dumb.
Yes!! It isn't that difficult. I work with babies and toddlers. Both times i have gotten covid its been from them. They can't mask, so all these people out MasKless while sick or even asymptomatic are getting these innocents sick, and they bring it to me. I now mask all day in my own home with them so they do not get me sick again, and hopefully to keep them safe if i somehow pick it up. I am so done with people who don't care who they infect and think its a joke.