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Ivermectin was investigated as a possible treatment and shown to be worthless. (It was a very profitable drug for Frontline Doctors though). Other treatments that were shown to have value - like steroids (for certain patients ) and putting patients prone were used - neither of them have vaccine profit written over them either. Remdesivir showed some promise early on but was used less as the pandemic went on as were many other treatments. Vaccines have been proven over and over again to reduce death and hospitalizations. Vaccine in general are not big $$ money makers for pharma because Big Pharma can always make far more $$ treating disease than preventing it.

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Here's a summary of 101 studies, almost all of which find a benefit, the most positive find 95% reduction in deaths if used early:


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Wow. You can really find "proof" of just about anything you want on the internet - and then make money off of it. I looked at those 101 'studies' and noted that in nearly all of them only 1 or 2 patients received ivermectin for COVID. the other patients got something else (usually a much larger #). The results are reported for "all patients." We know that most people recover from COVID without taking anything. So the results aren't for ivermectin - they're for the entire study sample. Most telling are the disclaimers at the very bottom of the site. It says, "We do not provide medical advice. Before taking any medication, consult a qualified physician who can provide personalized advice and details of risks and benefits based on your medical history and situation. " now that's good advice.

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Wow! Those honest doctors who lost their jobs after curing their patients with ivermectin and those PhD epidemiologists who couldn't get their papers published because they went against the mainstream are sure rakiin' in the dough in their new careers as bloggers.

And the profits on ivermectin! $1.30 per dose really adds up!

Good thing we've got these non-profit pharmaceutical companies that don't care a whit about making money. They just want to do what's best for public health, even if it costs them money. Phizer, Bayer/Monsanto, and Eli Lily are some of the most altruistic beneficiaries that mankind has ever known.

Here's a book where you can read about the altruism of Big Pharma: https://experimentalfrontiers.scienceblog.com/2021/04/27/trust-me-im-a-medical-researcher/

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Dr Pierre Kory was on the front lines, treating thousands of patients and collecting statistics on what works. He brought the evidence before Congress. Here he tells what happened to him next. https://twitter.com/i/status/1768033041568727391

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Dr Kory and Front line doctors didn’t tell 5 of my patients what the warning signs of getting covid were when you were unvaccinated. I had to put 5 of them on oxygen for 2 months in 2021-2022 when they were pushing ivermectin. They thought it was the magic pill when it wasn’t. 1 has really bad long Covid and can no longer work. They forgot to tell them that if their oxygen went below 94% that they needed to get other medical help. They missed their opportunity to get monoclonal antibodies which REALLY were a God send when they existed.

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