Wow. your observations are disturbing and I've found it hard to imagine why the Surgeon General of FL - who took an oath to serve the people of FL and as a physician - who took an oath to "do no harm" hasn't been sued or challenged for not doing either of these things. Politics should not play a role in determining the best health and me…
Wow. your observations are disturbing and I've found it hard to imagine why the Surgeon General of FL - who took an oath to serve the people of FL and as a physician - who took an oath to "do no harm" hasn't been sued or challenged for not doing either of these things. Politics should not play a role in determining the best health and medicine practices in any world. It's shocking to me that people would accept this - and the unnecessary deaths and injury resulting from it. Really people - we need to find our common ground and our common sense.
Wow. your observations are disturbing and I've found it hard to imagine why the Surgeon General of FL - who took an oath to serve the people of FL and as a physician - who took an oath to "do no harm" hasn't been sued or challenged for not doing either of these things. Politics should not play a role in determining the best health and medicine practices in any world. It's shocking to me that people would accept this - and the unnecessary deaths and injury resulting from it. Really people - we need to find our common ground and our common sense.
There is NO common ground with our Florida Surgeon General. He should have his medical license revoked.