"I’ve been working on climate for nearly 50 years." In what capacity, for whom, and with what credentials? You haven't provided a single citation for your claims, of course, so making vague claims about expertise you almost certainly do not possess would be par for the course.
It is absurd to claim that climate change has no impact on public health in any case.
"I’ve been working on climate for nearly 50 years." In what capacity, for whom, and with what credentials? You haven't provided a single citation for your claims, of course, so making vague claims about expertise you almost certainly do not possess would be par for the course.
It is absurd to claim that climate change has no impact on public health in any case.
BA Harvard, Ph.D Stanford, co-author Solar Energy in America’s Future, Stanford Research Institute 1978, member, first DOE Panel on Global Warming, 1981, consultant to government agencies and corporations on energy and environment issues, author 2020 Visions, Stanford Alumni Association.
"I’ve been working on climate for nearly 50 years." In what capacity, for whom, and with what credentials? You haven't provided a single citation for your claims, of course, so making vague claims about expertise you almost certainly do not possess would be par for the course.
It is absurd to claim that climate change has no impact on public health in any case.
BA Harvard, Ph.D Stanford, co-author Solar Energy in America’s Future, Stanford Research Institute 1978, member, first DOE Panel on Global Warming, 1981, consultant to government agencies and corporations on energy and environment issues, author 2020 Visions, Stanford Alumni Association.