Are you not familiar with The Twitter Files? Or Zuckerberg's recent confession that he caved to Biden Administration demands that Facebook and Instagram censor content contra to his administrations narrative? Here's a couple links for you so you can get up to speed on the government attacks on our free speech these past 5 years.
I am up to speed, as you put it, on your misinformation and twisting of historical events.
Yes, Zuckerberg was pressured to remove dangerous and damaging disinformation from his platform. And rightly so. But then apparently you think encouraging people to ingest a dewormer (ivermectin) or hydroxychloroquine, both worthless against SARS-CoV-2, or encouraging them to be anti-vax, is a good idea.
And now Zuckerberg is kissing Trump's ass because there's no low to which he won't stoop to gain more and more and more money. It's never enough. And if he has to kowtow to an autocratic lunatic, well, c'est la vie. Can't wait for more disinformation to be pumped out on his platforms that will harm people. Pass the popcorn!
The only consolation I see from the pandemic is that it cleared the gene pool of a lot of stupid people. Silver lining.
"Unquestionably did" what?
Are you not familiar with The Twitter Files? Or Zuckerberg's recent confession that he caved to Biden Administration demands that Facebook and Instagram censor content contra to his administrations narrative? Here's a couple links for you so you can get up to speed on the government attacks on our free speech these past 5 years.
I am up to speed, as you put it, on your misinformation and twisting of historical events.
Yes, Zuckerberg was pressured to remove dangerous and damaging disinformation from his platform. And rightly so. But then apparently you think encouraging people to ingest a dewormer (ivermectin) or hydroxychloroquine, both worthless against SARS-CoV-2, or encouraging them to be anti-vax, is a good idea.
And now Zuckerberg is kissing Trump's ass because there's no low to which he won't stoop to gain more and more and more money. It's never enough. And if he has to kowtow to an autocratic lunatic, well, c'est la vie. Can't wait for more disinformation to be pumped out on his platforms that will harm people. Pass the popcorn!
The only consolation I see from the pandemic is that it cleared the gene pool of a lot of stupid people. Silver lining.