I also feel need to point out that the preprint authors are largely in sports medicine, NOT cardiology.

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Once again, I'm horrified by the mis-use of preprint writings!

I even hesitated to report a serious Moderna reaction of my young adult daughter to VAERS,

Because the data is not verified in any manner.

She already has unspecified autoimmune dysautonomia, but she desperately wanted vaccination.

We made sure to report her pre-existing conditions so that it was not mis-interpreted.

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You might want to address the lymphadenopathy being higher among vaccinated folks, for those who are not medical professionals... It jumps out as an adverse event on the bar chart above. (I had to look it up, but others may not, or may not understand it if they do.)

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Thank you so much for making all the info understandable! Would you ever have access to, or be able to create, a graph for adults like the one you have for kids above, that shows the relative instances of myocarditis (and perhaps other issues) for vaccinated and unvaccinated people? I have a friend (age 65+) who is still hesitant to take the J+J vaccine because of his concerns with myocarditis (he already has heart issues) and won't take the new ones because they're 'too new' with unknown long term side effects.... I'm an artist not a scientist, and younger than him, and I could sure use some help persuading him - maybe the specific comparison for myocarditis would be enough? He's waiting for Novavax to be approved and some days I fear that won't arrive in time!!

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What a great idea! What has your friend's personal cardiologist said? Keep having those important conversations.

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Can we get an update on this? Quite a few studies coming out showing an increased risk (though mild cases), and my anti-vax friends are losing their mind pointing to every sudden unexpected death of a young person as if those didn't happen before this vaccine.

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