The world is, once again, seeing the darkest parts of humanity unfold in and around Israel. Posting about a vaccine felt insensitive without addressing the pain, suffering, and tragedy millions face today. There are massive public health implications of war (malnutrition, clean water, PTSD, bioterrorism risks), and maybe YLE can get there when the time is right. In the meantime, I am grieving with you. Hoping for peace, thinking about those in harm’s way, hoping leaders have wisdom, and hugging my kids extra tight.
Last week, the Novavax Covid-19 vaccine with an updated formula was approved by the FDA. Here are a few quick thoughts.
Also, you’ll find the final version of the vaccine sheet below. I’m stoked that many people, including the CDC, are using it.
What is Novavax?
Novavax is a small company based in Maryland and has never brought a vaccine to market. This company has a fascinating rollercoaster history; I highly recommend googling over coffee.
Their Covid-19 vaccine contains a coronavirus protein that prompts the immune system. (This differs from Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccines, which contain instructions for recognizing the coronavirus.) Scientists combined this protein with an immune-boosting compound derived from the soapbark tree.
This type of vaccine has a much longer track record than the newer approaches. But the innovative aspect is that Novavax found a way to make this vaccine in moth cells (rather than mammal cells). The moth cells become little factories that pump out coronavirus proteins. This allows Novavax to manufacture the vaccine much more quickly than others, which is one reason they can get this to market in 6 months (as opposed to longer).
Who is eligible?
Anyone 12 years and older. This includes people who had a Pfizer or Moderna Covid-19 vaccine before this fall.
Where will Novavax be available?
13,000 stores… eventually. It will take time for distribution, just like the mRNA vaccines. The closest one to me is 75 miles. This will change with time.
Keep an eye out on Here is another Novavax finder. (Note: it still has information from the 2022 vaccine rather than the 2023 updated vaccine. I hope this will be updated ASAP.)
Do they work?
Yes. Most recently, an Italian study of more than 20,000 people showed protection against symptomatic disease was 50% in fully vaccinated people. It did not wane before 4 months.
Is mixing Novavax after an mRNA series better?
There is some evidence that mixing is immunologically better and some evidence that staying with mRNA is better. It’s a bit hard to know which one is “right” given how little evidence we have at this point. (See a breakdown of the similarities and differences here.)
That said, there are two reasons people may want to go with Novavax:
Hesitant about mRNA biotechnology, regardless of its long history.
Side effects. In a randomized clinical trial, Novavax had fewer side effects than mRNA vaccines. This is one major reason why I’m going with Novavax this fall for the first time. (The mRNA vaccines kick my butt. Fingers crossed, this is more forgiving for me).
Side effects from varying combinations of Covid-19 vaccines. Figure from the Lancet, with YLE annotations. Original source here.
Updated vaccine sheet
Below is the final version, as we don’t expect updates for fall 2023 options from here on out. Below is an English and Spanish PDF for paid subscribers. Download and share!