Thanks so much for your work! I have a question about the risk of vaccinated individuals contracting the COVID virus from other vaccinated individuals, say, in a workplace where vaccination is required and documented but masks are not worn. Is there wisdom in wearing a mask "just in case"? CDC guidelines seem to assume groups will be mixed, vaccinated and unvaccinated when recommending masks to prevent transmission. Can available data be extrapolated to a vaccinated-to-vaccinated environment re: whether or not to mask?

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Do you believe masking is going to be enough to protect our kids attending school. The weight of the decision is weighing so heavily on me, and we maaaaay end up with a mask mandate for the beginning of the year, but it is that enough to protect them from Delta when they are in the same room for 7 hours? I wish the federal government was pushing for schools to delay until the vaccine is available to kids, this just seems like a ton of kids are being put at risk at the finish line.

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(That should have a question mark, not a period! Sorry, tired mama here)

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Thank you, as always, for your tremendous work.

If you have time, would you please address what the new timelines are expected to be for littles being able to receive the vaccine? I thought it was always going to be September/October for approval for 5-11 year old but then the news came out about how much data they wanted for the infant-4yo and now I’m confused, and I desperately am waiting to get my littles vaxxed and just want to know when I don’t need to hold my breath any longer…

As always, I appreciate you!

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Can someone help me understand viral load and how it applies to exposure for our kids? Will my kid be worse off being exposed at school through a mask, but likely by multiple sources at once, or by a single source outside of school? Or is it the same difference?

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Thank you for the updates!!! Is there any data out there about how many of the break through cases are in the teen population? I’m trying to decide what to do about vaccinated friends coming over to the house…

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Today I'm reading about additional variants and concern that the vaccine will not protect agains them--would vaccines still offer some protection even if it's less? Will we get another version (not just booster) of the vaccine eventually?

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Any thoughts on Ezra Klein's oped in the NYT (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/05/opinion/covid-delta-vaccinated-flu.html?action=click&module=Opinion&pgtype=Homepage) where he links to a recommendation at San Francisco General Hospital offering mRNA booster shots for folks who got J&J vaccine? I can't find any data except for Astra Zeneca, and both are adenovirus vaccines, so I imagine safety and efficacy might be similar. It begs the questions should J&J do a 2 shot option (I know the column on your chart is empty due to no data for that). Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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Just saw this article today, it doesn't look peer-reviewed but interesting conclusions. I'm leaning towards "when can we get a booster" but this article seems to show that a booster won't necessarily help us?


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