Thank you for taking the time to bring this literature to those of us who don't study this literature rigorously. As you say, there area lots of people who are anxious about issues you addressed: effects on pregnancy and reproductive health. We can't fully answer questions about long term effects until the data emerge. And some people, n…
Thank you for taking the time to bring this literature to those of us who don't study this literature rigorously. As you say, there area lots of people who are anxious about issues you addressed: effects on pregnancy and reproductive health. We can't fully answer questions about long term effects until the data emerge. And some people, needing answers where there are none, have a tendency to believe stories that sound convincing. That's why it is so important that you continue disseminating the data as it trickles in. In the end, facts will prevail.
It's a little ironic that, just as the high mortality rate of Covid-19 is largely due to people unwittingly transmitting it to others who then fall ill, just so the disinformation transmitted through these myths is impeding the acceptance of measures to mitigate the pandemic. It shows how vulnerable we all are to lack of knowledge.
Thank you for taking the time to bring this literature to those of us who don't study this literature rigorously. As you say, there area lots of people who are anxious about issues you addressed: effects on pregnancy and reproductive health. We can't fully answer questions about long term effects until the data emerge. And some people, needing answers where there are none, have a tendency to believe stories that sound convincing. That's why it is so important that you continue disseminating the data as it trickles in. In the end, facts will prevail.
It's a little ironic that, just as the high mortality rate of Covid-19 is largely due to people unwittingly transmitting it to others who then fall ill, just so the disinformation transmitted through these myths is impeding the acceptance of measures to mitigate the pandemic. It shows how vulnerable we all are to lack of knowledge.