Hello. I am sorry, this is off topic but I do not know how else to message you. Would you please offer a discussion of a recent CDC report (link below) comparing the various types of immunity during the delta wave? In particular, how well (or not) do you think hybrid immunity might work in reverse (vaccination followed by infection)?
Hello. I am sorry, this is off topic but I do not know how else to message you. Would you please offer a discussion of a recent CDC report (link below) comparing the various types of immunity during the delta wave? In particular, how well (or not) do you think hybrid immunity might work in reverse (vaccination followed by infection)?
Also what is your take on this recent lead for a pan-cornavirus vaccine: targeting the transcription-replication complex of the virus rather than the spike protein?
Hello. I am sorry, this is off topic but I do not know how else to message you. Would you please offer a discussion of a recent CDC report (link below) comparing the various types of immunity during the delta wave? In particular, how well (or not) do you think hybrid immunity might work in reverse (vaccination followed by infection)?
Also what is your take on this recent lead for a pan-cornavirus vaccine: targeting the transcription-replication complex of the virus rather than the spike protein?