Is there any good data on the myocarditis(or any other complication) rates with a covid infection? Particularly with kids. My gut it is significantly higher than the vaccine by how much was picked up on return to play evaluations for athletes.

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I am a pediatrician and I would love a pdf copy of the chart to use in my office - its fantastic!!!

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There are already other variants out there. Do you think that kids’ vaccines- by the time they actually get in arms- will still be effective?

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Sigh, grumble, grumble. This is the first I had seen that they are going for full auth for kids 5-11. As a mom of two six year olds (and a fully vaccinated 12 year old) I can hardly wait to have my little dudes more safe and able to interact with the "world" more again (with rising cases, we are back to not taking them in public unless actually necessary and masked of course). On one hand I see the good in the big picture of full auth, but waiting is hard. As my 12 year old repeatedly says "I'm tired of living a historical event" and "science is cool, but being a living experiment isn't so cool". We are closer than we've ever been (to the end, to vaccination for all ages, to vaccine being more available world-wide).

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Can I please get the updated PDF copy of this?

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I am a pediatrician and I would love a pdf copy of the chart to use in my office - its fantastic!!!

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Hello - i am a mom and rushed to get vaccinated when it became available (last dose, Pfizer April 30). However my own continuing side effects are now preventing me from getting my 12 year old son from getting vaccinated. I continue to have hormonal differences that started with the vaccine...my menstrual cycle went from a steady 32 day cycle to a 20 day cycle. I had and continue to have breast swelling and severe soreness off and on throughout a month. I used to get terrible migraines following my cycle but now they are very tolerable (a good side effect). I also had days of experiencing severe dread and depression which I have never felt in my entire life before. I have spoken to other women (and some who have already gone though menopause) and one by one they all have said the same thing but didn't think to connect it to the virus until I asked them. My son who is also autistic already had issues with depression and is just starting puberty. I do not want to give him the vaccine if it can cause depression or affect his development. On the other hand, if it is life and death - which it seems like it is becoming more so with this delta variant regarding younger individuals - the risk of these symptoms is not worth dying over. Any information you have on the topic would be extremely helpful because i can't find anything on the topic of how the vaccine affects hormones and my doctors haven't been able to provide much information either. thanks you kindly.

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meant."...but didn't think to connect it to the vaccine until I asked them."

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If we live in an area with high transmission but most people aren't masking in public spaces (yep, Texas), should we avoid going into places? Grocery store, theater, graduation ceremonies, etc? Everyone in my immediate family is vaccinated except my 11-year-old, and I don't want to risk her health and safety. I am also in the high-risk category. I hate to do it to my kids, but if we need to lock down again then we will. Opinion?

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