Readable epidemiology! What a great concept. Thanks!

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Thank you for addressing Novavax. At this point, I think an additional 10% of the unvaxxed is a win and we need those anywhere we can get them. I also think uptake would depend highly on the messaging (and that's where we will likely fail ... again). For me (vaxxed 2x and boosted 2x with mRNAs), the hope lies in Novavax having more longevity in protection than the others. Hoping that gets clarity soon.

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The potential role of Novavax globally was not addressed in your post. It does not have be frozen and is more stable in transportation could mean a much bigger impact in the rest of the world particularly in poor countries. (disclosure I helped to run a local Novavax phase 3 trial for Native Americans)

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Yes, it has great potential around the globe! I addressed that in a previous post here: . https://yourlocalepidemiologist.substack.com/p/two-underdog-but-game-changing-vaccines. Unfortunately, only about 700,000 doses have been given since their global roll out

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And thank you for taking the time to write this newsletter

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With Regards to Novavax. I am a believer in science and product development that drives basic treatments. From practice we know it is impossible to predict its value. Novavax represents a technical triumph. However, the leap to it will save millions of unvaccinated - is just that a leap. Broad statements like this hurt credibility. As the articles today in the NY Times today pointed out - complexity exists abound with COVID. Net is our data and the basic fundamental models are limited. Best example is recent study on vaccine and impact women's cycles. It is important to recognize what we don't know.

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Two questions, one Novavax-related and one not.

1) In Novavax's VRPAC presentation, didn't they show that a 3rd shot (either with NV primary or mRNA boost) held up well against BA4/5? I was trying to find the slide for that, I remember it sparked discussion (Edward Nirenberg had screencaps of this meeting but recent harassment caused him to switch his Twitter to private).

2) As a point of discussion, does anyone here have an office/school with significantly updated filtration and ventilation? And if so, has there been any anecdotal or identified transmission within the space itself? Our kid's school upgraded to 10-12 ACH + standing HEPA + windows open, which checks all the boxes but curious if anyone had any real-world experience.

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I recollect reading the same thing (that the VRPAC presentation had info on a boost with the original formula Novavax providing protection against BA.4/5 that might be more durable). I haven’t had time to find and watch the video. Fingers crossed that an omicron-optimized Novavax booster will provide durable protection, and be available soon.

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Last night the Western States Scientific Review Committee met to vote on approving Novavax as a primary vaccine but not for use as a booster. The next step is it goes to our governor and the Oregon Health Authority to give the green light. All, more or less formalities I imagine.

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Hello, Dr. Jetelina.

I was under the impression that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines would be approved this week for second boosters for people under 50. I've not heard a peep about this, though I've been watching.

Do you know anything about when they might approve a second booster for adults under 50?

Thank you!

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I'm hoping the next vaccine developed is a pan-coronavirus or nasal version. Heck, how about a nasal pan-coronavirus vaccine!

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I'm very happy about Novavax entering the armament for public health but I'm dismayed by the right wing attack on public health in general. Once again for people who may have missed it:


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Quick question about boosters after being infected. If you’re eligible for a booster but only say 2 months out from being infected, should you wait or take what’s available?

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Always good to get more ammunition ….. Wondering how it is going with the Pan-Coronavirus vaccine trials?

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Dr. Jetelina, in July you wrote "One thing we don’t know is the durability of combining mRNA with Novavax. Although antibodies may be the same, the combination could theoretically slow the rapid waning we see with the mRNA series. I’ll be anxiously awaiting the data." - did we get the data? My sense is that there's some emerging positive data here, perhaps due to Novavax targeting conserved epitopes, but would appreciate your analysis!

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