I'm a new reader to your blog and grateful to my friends who recommended you. As a lay person I am bewildered by the extremely different positions intelligent and informed people take on Covid and these vaccines. One thing I would love to see is intelligent, open fair discussion of alternative views. Propaganda, misinformation, profite…
I'm a new reader to your blog and grateful to my friends who recommended you. As a lay person I am bewildered by the extremely different positions intelligent and informed people take on Covid and these vaccines. One thing I would love to see is intelligent, open fair discussion of alternative views. Propaganda, misinformation, profiteering, exploitative sensationalistic fear mongering are certainly huge problems in this society. The term 'conspiracy theory' is brandished as a weapon, when in fact, there are intelligent conspiracy theories and there are stupid, baseless ones. I know Robert Kennedy and have respected his work for decades as a defender of our environment. His heroic, successful lawsuit against Monsanto is something everyone (but Monsanto) is, or ought to be, grateful for. I'm making this comment to express my wish that you would engage Dr. Setty, RFK's Science Editor whose writing for The Defender is exemplary, science based, though his perspective is often different from yours. What is not different is that you each have educated yourselves and are devoted to our society's health. All of us will benefit from your civil dialogue.
So there's a lot of material here at this blog. Why not read it first and then decide whether you think there's any value to a dialogue with an org that has been pretty much the #1 source of anti-covid-vaccine bullshit and therefore has a well earned poor reputation.
I read a lot of material on both sides of this increasing schism. My background is in social science and history, not medicine. I have both a healthy trust and mistrust of institutions. For example, I respect and trust our local epidemiologist and Robert Kennedy and Madhava Setty because they've all graduated with distinctions from our finest schools, proving their expertise in their fields of science, medicine, statistics, and law. I don't trust our media so much. So when you say RFK is the #1 source of disinfo, where do you get that from? Have you ever critically evaluated those hit pieces? They don't seem honest to me. Which is why I'd love to see a real dialogue between qualified experts, not an argument.
I'm a new reader to your blog and grateful to my friends who recommended you. As a lay person I am bewildered by the extremely different positions intelligent and informed people take on Covid and these vaccines. One thing I would love to see is intelligent, open fair discussion of alternative views. Propaganda, misinformation, profiteering, exploitative sensationalistic fear mongering are certainly huge problems in this society. The term 'conspiracy theory' is brandished as a weapon, when in fact, there are intelligent conspiracy theories and there are stupid, baseless ones. I know Robert Kennedy and have respected his work for decades as a defender of our environment. His heroic, successful lawsuit against Monsanto is something everyone (but Monsanto) is, or ought to be, grateful for. I'm making this comment to express my wish that you would engage Dr. Setty, RFK's Science Editor whose writing for The Defender is exemplary, science based, though his perspective is often different from yours. What is not different is that you each have educated yourselves and are devoted to our society's health. All of us will benefit from your civil dialogue.
So there's a lot of material here at this blog. Why not read it first and then decide whether you think there's any value to a dialogue with an org that has been pretty much the #1 source of anti-covid-vaccine bullshit and therefore has a well earned poor reputation.
I read a lot of material on both sides of this increasing schism. My background is in social science and history, not medicine. I have both a healthy trust and mistrust of institutions. For example, I respect and trust our local epidemiologist and Robert Kennedy and Madhava Setty because they've all graduated with distinctions from our finest schools, proving their expertise in their fields of science, medicine, statistics, and law. I don't trust our media so much. So when you say RFK is the #1 source of disinfo, where do you get that from? Have you ever critically evaluated those hit pieces? They don't seem honest to me. Which is why I'd love to see a real dialogue between qualified experts, not an argument.
Why do you peddle evil?
LOL. You're just Setty with a different account, or Setty's disinformation buddy. Betting on the former as you also sound the same.
More normalization cowardice.